Source code for lmfit.models

"""Module containing built-in fitting models."""
import time

from asteval import Interpreter, get_ast_names
import numpy as np

from . import lineshapes
from .lineshapes import (breit_wigner, damped_oscillator, dho, doniach,
                         expgaussian, exponential, gaussian, linear, lognormal,
                         lorentzian, moffat, parabolic, pearson7, powerlaw,
                         pvoigt, rectangle, skewed_gaussian, skewed_voigt,
                         split_lorentzian, step, students_t,
                         thermal_distribution, voigt)
from .model import Model

tiny = np.finfo(np.float).eps

class DimensionalError(Exception):
    """Raise exception when number of independent variables is not one."""

def _validate_1d(independent_vars):
    if len(independent_vars) != 1:
        raise DimensionalError(
            "This model requires exactly one independent variable.")

def fwhm_expr(model):
    """Return constraint expression for fwhm."""
    fmt = "{factor:.7f}*{prefix:s}sigma"
    return fmt.format(factor=model.fwhm_factor, prefix=model.prefix)

def height_expr(model):
    """Return constraint expression for maximum peak height."""
    fmt = "{factor:.7f}*{prefix:s}amplitude/max({}, {prefix:s}sigma)"
    return fmt.format(tiny, factor=model.height_factor, prefix=model.prefix)

def guess_from_peak(model, y, x, negative, ampscale=1.0, sigscale=1.0):
    """Estimate amp, cen, sigma for a peak, create params."""
    if x is None:
        return 1.0, 0.0, 1.0

    sort_increasing = np.argsort(x)
    x = x[sort_increasing]
    y = y[sort_increasing]

    maxy, miny = max(y), min(y)
    maxx, minx = max(x), min(x)
    cen = x[np.argmax(y)]
    height = (maxy - miny)*3.0
    sig = (maxx-minx)/6.0

    # the explicit conversion to a NumPy array is to make sure that the
    # indexing on line 65 also works if the data is supplied as pandas.Series
    x_halfmax = np.array(x[y > (maxy+miny)/2.0])
    if negative:
        height = -(maxy - miny)*3.0
        x_halfmax = x[y < (maxy+miny)/2.0]
    if len(x_halfmax) > 2:
        sig = (x_halfmax[-1] - x_halfmax[0])/2.0
        cen = x_halfmax.mean()
    amp = height*sig*ampscale
    sig = sig*sigscale

    pars = model.make_params(amplitude=amp, center=cen, sigma=sig)
    pars['%ssigma' % model.prefix].set(min=0.0)
    return pars

def update_param_vals(pars, prefix, **kwargs):
    """Update parameter values with keyword arguments."""
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        pname = "%s%s" % (prefix, key)
        if pname in pars:
            pars[pname].value = val
    return pars

    independent_vars : ['x']
        Arguments to func that are independent variables.
    prefix : str, optional
        String to prepend to parameter names, needed to add two Models that
        have parameter names in common.
    nan_policy : str, optional
        How to handle NaN and missing values in data. Must be one of:
        'raise' (default), 'propagate', or 'omit'. See Notes below.
    **kwargs : optional
        Keyword arguments to pass to :class:`Model`.

    1. nan_policy sets what to do when a NaN or missing value is seen in the
    data. Should be one of:

        - 'raise' : Raise a ValueError (default)
        - 'propagate' : do nothing
        - 'omit' : drop missing data


COMMON_GUESS_DOC = """Guess starting values for the parameters of a model.

    data : array_like
        Array of data to use to guess parameter values.
    **kws : optional
        Additional keyword arguments, passed to model function.

    params : Parameters



class ConstantModel(Model):
    """Constant model, with a single Parameter: ``c``.

    Note that this is 'constant' in the sense of having no dependence on
    the independent variable ``x``, not in the sense of being non-varying.
    To be clear, ``c`` will be a Parameter that will be varied
    in the fit (by default, of course).


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})

        def constant(x, c=0.0):
            return c
        super().__init__(constant, **kwargs)

    def guess(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = self.make_params()

        pars['%sc' % self.prefix].set(value=data.mean())
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class ComplexConstantModel(Model):
    """Complex constant model, with wo Parameters: ``re``, and ``im``.

    Note that ``re`` and ``im`` are 'constant' in the sense of having no
    dependence on the independent variable ``x``, not in the sense of
    being non-varying. To be clear, ``re`` and ``im`` will be Parameters
    that will be varied in the fit (by default, of course).


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
                 name=None, **kwargs):
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})

        def constant(x, re=0., im=0.):
            return re + 1j*im
        super().__init__(constant, **kwargs)

    def guess(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = self.make_params()
        pars['%sre' % self.prefix].set(value=data.real.mean())
        pars['%sim' % self.prefix].set(value=data.imag.mean())
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class LinearModel(Model):
    """Linear model, with two Parameters ``intercept`` and ``slope``.

    Defined as:

    .. math::

        f(x; m, b) = m x + b

    with  ``slope`` for :math:`m` and  ``intercept`` for :math:`b`.


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(linear, **kwargs)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        sval, oval = 0., 0.
        if x is not None:
            sval, oval = np.polyfit(x, data, 1)
        pars = self.make_params(intercept=oval, slope=sval)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class QuadraticModel(Model):
    """A quadratic model, with three Parameters ``a``, ``b``, and ``c``.

    Defined as:

    .. math::

        f(x; a, b, c) = a x^2 + b x + c


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(parabolic, **kwargs)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        a, b, c = 0., 0., 0.
        if x is not None:
            a, b, c = np.polyfit(x, data, 2)
        pars = self.make_params(a=a, b=b, c=c)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

ParabolicModel = QuadraticModel

class PolynomialModel(Model):
    r"""A polynomial model with up to 7 Parameters, specified by ``degree``.

    .. math::

        f(x; c_0, c_1, \ldots, c_7) = \sum_{i=0, 7} c_i  x^i

    with parameters ``c0``, ``c1``, ..., ``c7``.  The supplied ``degree``
    will specify how many of these are actual variable parameters.  This
    uses :numpydoc:`polyval` for its calculation of the polynomial.


    MAX_DEGREE = 7
    DEGREE_ERR = "degree must be an integer less than %d."

    def __init__(self, degree, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='',
                 nan_policy='raise', **kwargs):
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        if not isinstance(degree, int) or degree > self.MAX_DEGREE:
            raise TypeError(self.DEGREE_ERR % self.MAX_DEGREE)

        self.poly_degree = degree
        pnames = ['c%i' % (i) for i in range(degree + 1)]
        kwargs['param_names'] = pnames

        def polynomial(x, c0=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, c4=0, c5=0, c6=0, c7=0):
            return np.polyval([c7, c6, c5, c4, c3, c2, c1, c0], x)

        super().__init__(polynomial, **kwargs)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = self.make_params()
        if x is not None:
            out = np.polyfit(x, data, self.poly_degree)
            for i, coef in enumerate(out[::-1]):
                pars['%sc%i' % (self.prefix, i)].set(value=coef)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class GaussianModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Gaussian or normal distribution lineshape (see, with three Parameters:
    ``amplitude``, ``center``, and ``sigma``.
    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report full width at half maximum and maximum peak height, respectively.

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{A}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{[{-{(x-\mu)^2}/{{2\sigma}^2}}]}

    where the parameter ``amplitude`` corresponds to :math:`A`, ``center`` to
    :math:`\mu`, and ``sigma`` to :math:`\sigma`.  The full width at
    half maximum is :math:`2\sigma\sqrt{2\ln{2}}`, approximately


    fwhm_factor = 2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
    height_factor = 1./np.sqrt(2*np.pi)

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(gaussian, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fwhm_expr(self))
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=height_expr(self))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class LorentzianModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Lorentzian or Cauchy-Lorentz distribution function
    (see, with three Parameters:
    ``amplitude``, ``center``, and ``sigma``.
    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report full width at half maximum and maximum peak height, respectively.

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{A}{\pi} \big[\frac{\sigma}{(x - \mu)^2 + \sigma^2}\big]

    where the parameter ``amplitude`` corresponds to :math:`A`, ``center`` to
    :math:`\mu`, and ``sigma`` to :math:`\sigma`.  The full width at
    half maximum is :math:`2\sigma`.


    fwhm_factor = 2.0
    height_factor = 1./np.pi

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(lorentzian, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fwhm_expr(self))
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=height_expr(self))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative, ampscale=1.25)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class SplitLorentzianModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Lorentzian or Cauchy-Lorentz distribution function
    (see, with four
    parameters: ``amplitude``, ``center``, ``sigma``, and ``sigma_r``.

    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report full width at half maximum and maximum peak height, respectively.

    'Split' means that the width of the distribution is different between
    left and right slopes.

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \sigma_r) = \frac{2 A}{\pi (\sigma+\sigma_r)} \big[\frac{\sigma^2}{(x - \mu)^2 + \sigma^2} * H(\mu-x) + \frac{\sigma_r^2}{(x - \mu)^2 + \sigma_r^2} * H(x-\mu)\big]

    where the parameter ``amplitude`` corresponds to :math:`A`, ``center`` to
    :math:`\mu`, ``sigma`` to :math:`\sigma`, ``sigma_l`` to
    :math:`\sigma_l`, and :math:`H(x)` is a Heaviside step function:

    .. math::

        H(x) = 0 | x < 0, 1 | x \geq 0

    The full width at half maximum is :math:`\sigma_l+\sigma_r`. Just as with
    the Lorentzian model, integral of this function from ``-.inf`` to
    ``+.inf`` equals to ``amplitude``.
    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(split_lorentzian, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        fwhm_expr = '{pre:s}sigma+{pre:s}sigma_r'
        height_expr = '2*{pre:s}amplitude/{0:.7f}/max({1:.7f}, ({pre:s}sigma+{pre:s}sigma_r))'
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('sigma_r', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fwhm_expr.format(pre=self.prefix))
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=height_expr.format(np.pi, tiny, pre=self.prefix))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative, ampscale=1.25)
        sigma = pars['%ssigma' % self.prefix]
        pars['%ssigma_r' % self.prefix].set(value=sigma.value, min=sigma.min, max=sigma.max)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class VoigtModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Voigt distribution function (see, with four Parameters:
    ``amplitude``, ``center``, ``sigma``, and ``gamma``.  By default,
    ``gamma`` is constrained to have a value equal to ``sigma``, though it
    can be varied independently.  In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and
    ``height`` are included as constraints to report full width at half
    maximum and maximum peak height, respectively.  The definition for the
    Voigt function used here is

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{A \textrm{Re}[w(z)]}{\sigma\sqrt{2 \pi}}


    .. math::

            z &=& \frac{x-\mu +i\gamma}{\sigma\sqrt{2}} \\
            w(z) &=& e^{-z^2}{\operatorname{erfc}}(-iz)

    and :func:`erfc` is the complementary error function.  As above,
    ``amplitude`` corresponds to :math:`A`, ``center`` to
    :math:`\mu`, and ``sigma`` to :math:`\sigma`. The parameter ``gamma``
    corresponds  to :math:`\gamma`.
    If ``gamma`` is kept at the default value (constrained to ``sigma``),
    the full width at half maximum is approximately :math:`3.6013\sigma`.

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(voigt, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('gamma', expr='%ssigma' % self.prefix)

        fexpr = ("1.0692*{pre:s}gamma+" +
        hexpr = ("({pre:s}amplitude/(max({0}, {pre:s}sigma*sqrt(2*pi))))*"
                 "wofz((1j*{pre:s}gamma)/(max({0}, {pre:s}sigma*sqrt(2)))).real")

        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fexpr.format(pre=self.prefix))
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=hexpr.format(tiny, pre=self.prefix))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative,
                               ampscale=1.5, sigscale=0.65)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class PseudoVoigtModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a pseudo-Voigt distribution function
    which is a weighted sum of a Gaussian and Lorentzian distribution function
    that share values for ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`)
    and full width at half maximum ``fwhm`` (and so have  constrained values of
    ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`) and ``height`` (maximum peak height).
    A parameter ``fraction`` (:math:`\alpha`) controls the relative weight of
    the Gaussian and Lorentzian components, giving the full definition of

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \alpha) = \frac{(1-\alpha)A}{\sigma_g\sqrt{2\pi}}
        + \frac{\alpha A}{\pi} \big[\frac{\sigma}{(x - \mu)^2 + \sigma^2}\big]

    where :math:`\sigma_g = {\sigma}/{\sqrt{2\ln{2}}}` so that the full width
    at half maximum of each component and of the sum is :math:`2\sigma`. The
    :meth:`guess` function always sets the starting value for ``fraction`` at 0.5.


    fwhm_factor = 2.0

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(pvoigt, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('fraction', value=0.5, min=0.0, max=1.0)
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fwhm_expr(self))
        fmt = ("(((1-{prefix:s}fraction)*{prefix:s}amplitude)/"
               "max({0}, ({prefix:s}sigma*sqrt(pi/log(2))))+"
               "max({0}, (pi*{prefix:s}sigma)))")
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=fmt.format(tiny, prefix=self.prefix))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative, ampscale=1.25)
        pars['%sfraction' % self.prefix].set(value=0.5, min=0.0, max=1.0)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class MoffatModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on the Moffat distribution function
    (see, with four Parameters:
    ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`), a width parameter
    ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`) and an exponent ``beta`` (:math:`\beta`).
    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report full width at half maximum and maximum peak height, respectively.

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \beta) = A \big[(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^2+1\big]^{-\beta}

    the full width have maximum is :math:`2\sigma\sqrt{2^{1/\beta}-1}`.
    The :meth:`guess` function always sets the starting value for ``beta`` to 1.

    Note that for (:math:`\beta=1`) the Moffat has a Lorentzian shape.


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(moffat, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr="2*%ssigma*sqrt(2**(1.0/max(1e-3, %sbeta))-1)" % (self.prefix, self.prefix))
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr="%samplitude" % self.prefix)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative, ampscale=0.5, sigscale=1.)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class Pearson7Model(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Pearson VII distribution (see,
    with four parameters: ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center``
    (:math:`\mu`), ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`), and ``exponent`` (:math:`m`).
    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report estimates for the full width at half maximum and maximum peak height,

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, m) = \frac{A}{\sigma{\beta(m-\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2})}} \bigl[1 + \frac{(x-\mu)^2}{\sigma^2}  \bigr]^{-m}

    where :math:`\beta` is the beta function (see :scipydoc:`special.beta`)
    The :meth:`guess` function always gives a starting value for ``exponent``
    of 1.5.  In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as
    constraints to report full width at half maximum and maximum peak height,


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(pearson7, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('expon', value=1.5, max=100)
        fmt = ("sqrt(2**(1/{prefix:s}expon)-1)*2*{prefix:s}sigma")
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fmt.format(prefix=self.prefix))
        fmt = ("{prefix:s}amplitude * gamfcn({prefix:s}expon)/"
               "max({0}, (gamfcn(0.5)*gamfcn({prefix:s}expon-0.5)*{prefix:s}sigma))")
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=fmt.format(tiny, prefix=self.prefix))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative)
        pars['%sexpon' % self.prefix].set(value=1.5)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class StudentsTModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Student's t distribution function (see, with three Parameters:
    ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`) and ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`).
    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report full width at half maximum and maximum peak height, respectively.

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{A \Gamma(\frac{\sigma+1}{2})} {\sqrt{\sigma\pi}\,\Gamma(\frac{\sigma}{2})} \Bigl[1+\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{\sigma}\Bigr]^{-\frac{\sigma+1}{2}}

    where :math:`\Gamma(x)` is the gamma function.


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(students_t, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0.0, max=100)
        fmt = ("{prefix:s}amplitude*gamfcn(({prefix:s}sigma+1)/2)/"
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=fmt.format(prefix=self.prefix))
        fmt = ("2*sqrt(2**(2/({prefix:s}sigma+1))*"
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fmt.format(prefix=self.prefix))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class BreitWignerModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Breit-Wigner-Fano function (see, with four Parameters:
    ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`),
    ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`), and ``q`` (:math:`q`).

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, q) = \frac{A (q\sigma/2 + x - \mu)^2}{(\sigma/2)^2 + (x - \mu)^2}


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(breit_wigner, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0.0)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative)
        pars['%sq' % self.prefix].set(value=1.0)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class LognormalModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on the Log-normal distribution function
    (see, with three Parameters
    ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`) and ``sigma``
    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report estimates of full width at half maximum and maximum peak height,

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{A}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\frac{e^{-(\ln(x) - \mu)^2/ 2\sigma^2}}{x}


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(lognormal, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('center', min=1.e-19)
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)

        fmt = ("{prefix:s}amplitude/max({0}, ({prefix:s}sigma*sqrt(2*pi)))"
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=fmt.format(tiny, prefix=self.prefix))
        fmt = ("exp({prefix:s}center-{prefix:s}sigma**2+{prefix:s}sigma*sqrt("
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fmt.format(prefix=self.prefix))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = self.make_params(amplitude=1.0, center=0.0, sigma=0.25)
        pars['%ssigma' % self.prefix].set(min=0.0)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class DampedOscillatorModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on the Damped Harmonic Oscillator Amplitude
    (see, with
    three Parameters:  ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`) and
    ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`).
    In addition, the parameter ``height`` is included as a constraint
    to report the maximum peak height.

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{A}{\sqrt{ [1 - (x/\mu)^2]^2 + (2\sigma x/\mu)^2}}


    height_factor = 0.5

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(damped_oscillator, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=height_expr(self))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative,
                               ampscale=0.1, sigscale=0.1)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class DampedHarmonicOscillatorModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a variation of the Damped Harmonic Oscillator (see, following the
    definition given in DAVE/PAN (see with
    four Parameters: ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`),
    ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`), and ``gamma`` (:math:`\gamma`).
    In addition, parameters ``fwhm`` and ``height`` are included as constraints
    to report estimates for full width at half maximum and maximum peak height,

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{A\sigma}{\pi [1 - \exp(-x/\gamma)]}
                \Big[ \frac{1}{(x-\mu)^2 + \sigma^2} - \frac{1}{(x+\mu)^2 + \sigma^2} \Big]

    where :math:`\gamma=kT` k is the Boltzmann constant in :math:`evK^-1`
    and T is the temperature in :math:`K`.


    fwhm_factor = 2.0

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(dho, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('gamma', min=1.e-19)
        fmt = ("({prefix:s}amplitude*{prefix:s}sigma)/"
               "max({0}, (pi*(1-exp(-{prefix:s}center/max({0}, {prefix:s}gamma)))))*"
               "(1/max({0}, {prefix:s}sigma**2)-1/"
               "max({0}, (4*{prefix:s}center**2+{prefix:s}sigma**2)))")
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=fmt.format(tiny, prefix=self.prefix))
        self.set_param_hint('fwhm', expr=fwhm_expr(self))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative,
                               ampscale=0.1, sigscale=0.1)
        pars['%sgamma' % self.prefix].set(value=1.0, min=0.0)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class ExponentialGaussianModel(Model):
    r"""A model of an Exponentially modified Gaussian distribution
    (see with
    four Parameters ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`),
    ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`), and  ``gamma`` (:math:`\gamma`).

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{A\gamma}{2}
        \exp\bigl[\gamma({\mu - x  + \gamma\sigma^2/2})\bigr]
        {\operatorname{erfc}}\Bigl(\frac{\mu + \gamma\sigma^2 - x}{\sqrt{2}\sigma}\Bigr)

    where :func:`erfc` is the complementary error function.

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(expgaussian, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('gamma', min=0, max=20)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class SkewedGaussianModel(Model):
    r"""A variation of the Exponential Gaussian, this uses a skewed normal distribution
    (see, with Parameters
    ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`),  ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`),
    and ``gamma`` (:math:`\gamma`).

    .. math::

       f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{A}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}
       e^{[{-{(x-\mu)^2}/{{2\sigma}^2}}]} \Bigl\{ 1 +
       \bigr] \Bigr\}

    where :func:`erf` is the error function.


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(skewed_gaussian, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class SkewedVoigtModel(Model):
    r"""A variation of the Skewed Gaussian, this applies the same skewing
      to a Voigt distribution (see  It has Parameters
      ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`), ``sigma``
      (:math:`\sigma`), and ``gamma`` (:math:`\gamma`), as usual for a
      Voigt distribution, and add a Parameter ``skew``.

    .. math::

       f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \gamma, \rm{skew}) = {\rm{Voigt}}(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \gamma)
       \Bigl\{ 1 +  {\operatorname{erf}}\bigl[
       \bigr] \Bigr\}

    where :func:`erf` is the error function.


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(skewed_voigt, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        self.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)
        self.set_param_hint('gamma', expr='%ssigma' % self.prefix)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class ThermalDistributionModel(Model):
    r"""Return a thermal distribution function.

    Variable ``form`` defines
    the kind of distribution as below with parameters ``amplitude``
    (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`x_0`) and ``kt`` (:math:`kt`). The
    following distributions are available:

    - ``bose`` (the default) Bose-Einstein distribution
    - ``maxwell`` Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
    - ``fermi`` Fermi-Dirac distribution

    The functional forms are defined as:

    .. math::

        & f(x; A, x_0, kt, {\mathrm{form={}'bose{}'}})  & = \frac{1}{A \exp(\frac{x - x_0}{kt}) - 1} \\
        & f(x; A, x_0, kt, {\mathrm{form={}'maxwell{}'}})  & = \frac{1}{A \exp(\frac{x - x_0}{kt})} \\
        & f(x; A, x_0, kt, {\mathrm{form={}'fermi{}'}})  & = \frac{1}{A \exp(\frac{x - x_0}{kt}) + 1} ]



    - ``kt`` should be defined in the same units as ``x`` (:math:`k_B = 8.617\times10^{-5}` eV/K).
    - set :math:`kt<0` to implement the energy loss convention common in
      scattering research.

    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
                 form='bose', **kwargs):
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'form': form, 'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(thermal_distribution, **kwargs)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        if x is None:
            center = 0
            kt = 1
            center = np.mean(x)
            kt = (max(x) - min(x))/10

        pars = self.make_params()
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, center=center, kt=kt)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

class DoniachModel(Model):
    r"""A model of an Doniach Sunjic asymmetric lineshape
    (see, used in
    photo-emission, with four Parameters ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`),
    ``center`` (:math:`\mu`), ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`), and ``gamma``
    In addition, parameter ``height`` is included as a constraint.

    .. math::

        f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, \gamma) = \frac{A}{\sigma^{1-\gamma}}
        \frac{\cos\bigl[\pi\gamma/2 + (1-\gamma)
        \arctan{((x - \mu)}/\sigma)\bigr]} {\bigr[1 + (x-\mu)/\sigma\bigl]^{(1-\gamma)/2}}


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(doniach, **kwargs)

    def _set_paramhints_prefix(self):
        fmt = ("{prefix:s}amplitude/max({0}, ({prefix:s}sigma**(1-{prefix:s}gamma)))"
        self.set_param_hint('height', expr=fmt.format(tiny, prefix=self.prefix))

    def guess(self, data, x=None, negative=False, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
        pars = guess_from_peak(self, data, x, negative, ampscale=0.5)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

DonaichModel = DoniachModel   # for back-compat

class PowerLawModel(Model):
    r"""A model based on a Power Law (see,
    with two Parameters: ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), and ``exponent`` (:math:`k`), in:

    .. math::

        f(x; A, k) = A x^k


    def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise',
        kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy,
                       'independent_vars': independent_vars})
        super().__init__(powerlaw, **kwargs)

    def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs):
        """Estimate initial model parameter values from data."""
            expon, amp = np.polyfit(np.log(x+1.e-14), np.log(data+1.e-14), 1)
        except TypeError:
            expon, amp = 1, np.log(abs(max(data)+1.e-9))

        pars = self.make_params(amplitude=np.exp(amp), exponent=expon)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC
    guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC

[docs]class ExponentialModel(Model): r"""A model based on an exponential decay function (see with two Parameters: ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), and ``decay`` (:math:`\tau`), in: .. math:: f(x; A, \tau) = A e^{-x/\tau} """ def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise', **kwargs): kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy, 'independent_vars': independent_vars}) super().__init__(exponential, **kwargs) def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): """Estimate initial model parameter values from data.""" try: sval, oval = np.polyfit(x, np.log(abs(data)+1.e-15), 1) except TypeError: sval, oval = 1., np.log(abs(max(data)+1.e-9)) pars = self.make_params(amplitude=np.exp(oval), decay=-1.0/sval) return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs) __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC
[docs]class StepModel(Model): r"""A model based on a Step function, with three Parameters: ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center`` (:math:`\mu`) and ``sigma`` (:math:`\sigma`). There are four choices for ``form``: - ``linear`` (the default) - ``atan`` or ``arctan`` for an arc-tangent function - ``erf`` for an error function - ``logistic`` for a logistic function (see The step function starts with a value 0, and ends with a value of :math:`A` rising to :math:`A/2` at :math:`\mu`, with :math:`\sigma` setting the characteristic width. The functional forms are defined as: .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{eqnarray*} & f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'linear{}'}}) & = A \min{[1, \max{(0, \alpha)}]} \\ & f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'arctan{}'}}) & = A [1/2 + \arctan{(\alpha)}/{\pi}] \\ & f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'erf{}'}}) & = A [1 + {\operatorname{erf}}(\alpha)]/2 \\ & f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'logistic{}'}})& = A [1 - \frac{1}{1 + e^{\alpha}} ] \end{eqnarray*} where :math:`\alpha = (x - \mu)/{\sigma}`. """ def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise', form='linear', **kwargs): kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy, 'form': form, 'independent_vars': independent_vars}) super().__init__(step, **kwargs) def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): """Estimate initial model parameter values from data.""" if x is None: return ymin, ymax = min(data), max(data) xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x) pars = self.make_params(amplitude=(ymax-ymin), center=(xmax+xmin)/2.0) pars['%ssigma' % self.prefix].set(value=(xmax-xmin)/7.0, min=0.0) return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs) __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC
class RectangleModel(Model): r"""A model based on a Step-up and Step-down function, with five Parameters: ``amplitude`` (:math:`A`), ``center1`` (:math:`\mu_1`), ``center2`` (:math:`\mu_2`), `sigma1`` (:math:`\sigma_1`) and ``sigma2`` (:math:`\sigma_2`). There are four choices for ``form``, which is used for both the Step up and the Step down: - ``linear`` (the default) - ``atan`` or ``arctan`` for an arc-tangent function - ``erf`` for an error function - ``logistic`` for a logistic function (see The function starts with a value 0, transitions to a value of :math:`A`, taking the value :math:`A/2` at :math:`\mu_1`, with :math:`\sigma_1` setting the characteristic width. The function then transitions again to the value :math:`A/2` at :math:`\mu_2`, with :math:`\sigma_2` setting the characteristic width. The functional forms are defined as: .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{eqnarray*} &f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'linear{}'}}) &= A \{ \min{[1, \max{(0, \alpha_1)}]} + \min{[-1, \max{(0, \alpha_2)}]} \} \\ &f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'arctan{}'}}) &= A [\arctan{(\alpha_1)} + \arctan{(\alpha_2)}]/{\pi} \\ &f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'erf{}'}}) &= A [{\operatorname{erf}}(\alpha_1) + {\operatorname{erf}}(\alpha_2)]/2 \\ &f(x; A, \mu, \sigma, {\mathrm{form={}'logistic{}'}}) &= A [1 - \frac{1}{1 + e^{\alpha_1}} - \frac{1}{1 + e^{\alpha_2}} ] \end{eqnarray*} where :math:`\alpha_1 = (x - \mu_1)/{\sigma_1}` and :math:`\alpha_2 = -(x - \mu_2)/{\sigma_2}`. """ def __init__(self, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='', nan_policy='raise', form='linear', **kwargs): kwargs.update({'prefix': prefix, 'nan_policy': nan_policy, 'form': form, 'independent_vars': independent_vars}) super().__init__(rectangle, **kwargs) self._set_paramhints_prefix() def _set_paramhints_prefix(self): self.set_param_hint('center1') self.set_param_hint('center2') self.set_param_hint('midpoint', expr='(%scenter1+%scenter2)/2.0' % (self.prefix, self.prefix)) def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): """Estimate initial model parameter values from data.""" if x is None: return ymin, ymax = min(data), max(data) xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x) pars = self.make_params(amplitude=(ymax-ymin), center1=(xmax+xmin)/4.0, center2=3*(xmax+xmin)/4.0) pars['%ssigma1' % self.prefix].set(value=(xmax-xmin)/7.0, min=0.0) pars['%ssigma2' % self.prefix].set(value=(xmax-xmin)/7.0, min=0.0) return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs) __init__.__doc__ = COMMON_INIT_DOC guess.__doc__ = COMMON_GUESS_DOC class ExpressionModel(Model): idvar_missing = "No independent variable found in\n %s" idvar_notfound = "Cannot find independent variables '%s' in\n %s" no_prefix = "ExpressionModel does not support `prefix` argument" def __init__(self, expr, independent_vars=None, init_script=None, nan_policy='raise', **kws): """Generate a model from user-supplied expression. Parameters ---------- expr : str Mathematical expression for model. independent_vars : list of str or None, optional Variable names to use as independent variables. init_script : str or None, optional Initial script to run in asteval interpreter. nan_policy : str, optional How to handle NaN and missing values in data. Must be one of: 'raise' (default), 'propagate', or 'omit'. See Notes below. **kws : optional Keyword arguments to pass to :class:`Model`. Notes ----- 1. each instance of ExpressionModel will create and using its own version of an asteval interpreter. 2. prefix is **not supported** for ExpressionModel. 3. nan_policy sets what to do when a NaN or missing value is seen in the data. Should be one of: - 'raise' : Raise a ValueError (default) - 'propagate' : do nothing - 'omit' : drop missing data """ # create ast evaluator, load custom functions self.asteval = Interpreter() for name in lineshapes.functions: self.asteval.symtable[name] = getattr(lineshapes, name, None) if init_script is not None: self.asteval.eval(init_script) # save expr as text, parse to ast, save for later use self.expr = expr.strip() self.astcode = self.asteval.parse(self.expr) # find all symbol names found in expression sym_names = get_ast_names(self.astcode) if independent_vars is None and 'x' in sym_names: independent_vars = ['x'] if independent_vars is None: raise ValueError(self.idvar_missing % (self.expr)) # determine which named symbols are parameter names, # try to find all independent variables idvar_found = [False]*len(independent_vars) param_names = [] for name in sym_names: if name in independent_vars: idvar_found[independent_vars.index(name)] = True elif name not in param_names and name not in self.asteval.symtable: param_names.append(name) # make sure we have all independent parameters if not all(idvar_found): lost = [] for ix, found in enumerate(idvar_found): if not found: lost.append(independent_vars[ix]) lost = ', '.join(lost) raise ValueError(self.idvar_notfound % (lost, self.expr)) kws['independent_vars'] = independent_vars if 'prefix' in kws: raise Warning(self.no_prefix) def _eval(**kwargs): for name, val in kwargs.items(): self.asteval.symtable[name] = val self.asteval.start_time = time.time() return kws["nan_policy"] = nan_policy super().__init__(_eval, **kws) # set param names here, and other things normally # set in _parse_params(), which will be short-circuited. self.independent_vars = independent_vars self._func_allargs = independent_vars + param_names self._param_names = param_names self._func_haskeywords = True self.def_vals = {} def __repr__(self): """Return printable representation of ExpressionModel.""" return "<lmfit.ExpressionModel('%s')>" % (self.expr) def _parse_params(self): """Over-write ExpressionModel._parse_params with `pass`. This prevents normal parsing of function for parameter names. """