Source code for covid19_data_analyzer.data_functions.data_utils

from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Union
from pathlib import Path

import lmfit
import pandas as pd

[docs]def get_data_path(sub_path: str) -> Path: """ Returns the Path object of a path in data and creates the parent folders if they don't exist already Parameters ---------- sub_path : str subpath in data directory Returns ------- Path Path to a file in data """ data_base_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "data" data_path = data_base_path / sub_path if data_path.suffixes == []: data_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: data_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return data_path
[docs]def get_infectious(covid_df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Calculates the number of still infectious people. This function uses the mutability of DataFrames, which is why it doesn't have a return value Parameters ---------- covid_df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing all covid19 data """ if covid_df.columns.isin(["recovered"]).any(): recovered = covid_df.recovered.fillna(0) else: recovered = 0 deaths = covid_df.deaths.fillna(0) covid_df["still_infectious"] = covid_df.confirmed - recovered - deaths
[docs]def calc_country_total(covid_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the total for each country from the covid_df, where only data for regions was present before Parameters ---------- covid_df : pd.DataFrame covid19 DataFrame (needs to be in uniform style) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the totals for countries, which before only had their regions listed. """ total_df = pd.DataFrame() for (parent, date), group in covid_df.groupby(["parent_region", "date"]): if parent != "#Global": country_total = group.sum() country_total.parent_region = "#Global" country_total.region = f"{parent} (total)" country_total["date"] = date total_df = total_df.append(country_total, ignore_index=True) return total_df
[docs]def calc_worldwide_total( covid_df: pd.DataFrame, parent_region_label="parent_region", region_label="region" ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the worldwide total. Parameters ---------- covid_df : pd.DataFrame covid19 DataFrame (needs to be in uniform style) parent_region_label: str name of the parent_region column region_label: str name of the region column Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the worldwide totals. """ global_country_df = covid_df[covid_df[parent_region_label] == "#Global"] worldwide_total_df = global_country_df.groupby(["date"]).sum() worldwide_total_df[parent_region_label] = "#Global" worldwide_total_df[region_label] = "#Worldwide" worldwide_total_df.reset_index(inplace=True) return worldwide_total_df
[docs]def get_shifted_dfs( covid_df: pd.DataFrame, time_shift: Union[int, float] = 1, time_shift_unit: str = "D", ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Helper function to shift the date of the covid data by a given time and gain DataFrames which can be used to calculate the growth and growth rate. Parameters ---------- covid_df : pd.DataFrame Full covid19 data from a data_source time_shift : [int,float], optional value by which the time should be shifted, by default 1 time_shift_unit : str, optional unit of the time shift , by default "D" Returns ------- Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame] shifted and unshifted covid19 data, with date, parent_region and region as index """ unshifted_data = covid_df.set_index(["date", "parent_region", "region"]) shifted_data = covid_df.copy() = + pd.Timedelta( time_shift, unit=time_shift_unit ) shifted_data = shifted_data.set_index(["date", "parent_region", "region"]) return unshifted_data, shifted_data
[docs]def get_daily_growth(covid_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the daily growth values Parameters ---------- covid_df : pd.DataFrame Full covid19 data from a data_source Returns ------- pd.DataFrame covid19 DataFrame, with daily growth values instead of totals. """ unshifted_data, shifted_data = get_shifted_dfs(covid_df) daily_increase = unshifted_data - shifted_data return daily_increase.dropna().reset_index()
[docs]def get_growth_rate(covid_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the growth rate values Parameters ---------- covid_df : pd.DataFrame Full covid19 data from a data_source Returns ------- pd.DataFrame covid19 DataFrame, with growth rate values instead of totals. """ daily_growth = get_daily_growth(covid_df) unshifted_data, shifted_data = get_shifted_dfs(daily_growth) # the '+1' is needed to prevent zero division growth_rate = unshifted_data / (shifted_data + 1) return growth_rate.dropna().reset_index()
[docs]def params_to_dict(params: lmfit.Parameters, kind: str = "values") -> dict: """ Converts fit result parameters to a dict Parameters ---------- params : lmfit.Parameters fit result parameters kind : str, optional ["values", "stderr"], by default "values" Returns ------- dict Dict containing the parameternames as key and the values or stderr as values """ result_dict = {} for name, param in params.items(): if kind == "values": result_dict[name] = param.value elif kind == "stderr": result_dict[name] = param.stderr return result_dict
[docs]def params_to_df( params: lmfit.Parameters, param_inverted_stderr: Iterable[str] = [] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a DataFrame with the values and stderr of the params Parameters ---------- params : lmfit.Parameters fit result parameters param_inverted_stderr : Iterable[str], optional iterable of parameternames with should be inverted, to calculate the extrema. , by default [] Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with columns "value" and "stderr", parameternames as index """ param_vals = params_to_dict(params) param_stderrs = params_to_dict(params, kind="stderr") param_df = pd.DataFrame({"values": param_vals, "stderr": param_stderrs}) param_df.loc[param_inverted_stderr, "stderr"] = -param_df.loc[ param_inverted_stderr, "stderr" ] return param_df
[docs]def get_fit_param_results_row( region: str, parent_region: str, subset: str, fit_result: Dict[str, Union[lmfit.model.ModelResult, pd.DataFrame]], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a row containing all fitted parameters for a region, which can than be combined to a fit param results dataframe Parameters ---------- region : str Value of the fitted region parent_region : str Parent region of the fitted region subset:str Subset of the regions data which was fitted fit_result : Dict[str, Union[lmfit.model.ModelResult, pd.DataFrame]] Result of fit_data_model or its implementation Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Row of fit param results dataframe, for the fitted region See Also -------- covid19_data_analyzer.data_functions.analysis.factory_functions.fit_data_model """ flat_params_df = pd.DataFrame( [{"region": region, "parent_region": parent_region, "subset": subset}] ) params_df = params_to_df(fit_result["model_result"].params) transformed_df = ( params_df.reset_index() .melt(id_vars="index", var_name="kind") .sort_values("index") ) new_index = transformed_df["index"] + " " + transformed_df["kind"] transformed_df = ( transformed_df.set_index(new_index).drop(["index", "kind"], axis=1).T ) flat_params_df = flat_params_df.join(transformed_df.reset_index(drop=True)) return flat_params_df
[docs]def translate_funkeinteraktiv_fit_data(): """ Helperfunction to prevent Fitting overhead, which would be caused if the same dataset with de and en region names would be fitted. Rather than fitting twice, this function simply translates the german region names to the english ones, which were both extracted by 'get_funkeinteraktiv_data'. """ source_dir = get_data_path("funkeinteraktiv_de") target_dir = get_data_path("funkeinteraktiv_en") translate_path = source_dir / "translation_table.csv" translate_df = pd.read_csv(translate_path).rename( {"label_parent_en": "parent_region", "label_en": "region"}, axis=1 ) region_df = translate_df[["region", "label"]].set_index("label", drop=True) parent_region_df = translate_df[["parent_region", "label_parent"]].set_index( "label_parent", drop=True ) translate_dict = {**parent_region_df.to_dict(), **region_df.to_dict()} for source_file_path in source_dir.glob("*model_fit*.csv"): data_df = pd.read_csv(source_file_path) rel_path = source_file_path.relative_to(source_dir) target_file_path = target_dir / rel_path data_df.replace(translate_dict).to_csv(target_file_path, index=False)