Source code for covid19_data_analyzer.data_functions.analysis.factory_functions

from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Union
import itertools

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import lmfit

from covid19_data_analyzer.data_functions.data_utils import (

from covid19_data_analyzer.data_functions.scrapers import ALLOWED_SOURCES, get_data
from covid19_data_analyzer.data_functions.data_utils import (

[docs]def fit_data_model( covid19_region_data: pd.DataFrame, model: lmfit.Model, data_set: str = "confirmed", init_params: dict = {}, free_var_name: str = "x", ) -> Dict[str, Union[lmfit.model.ModelResult, pd.DataFrame]]: """ Generic function to fit lmfit.Model models, onto a regional subset covid data. Parameters ---------- covid19_region_data : pd.DataFrame covid19 DataFrame for one region model : lmfit.Model [description] data_set : str, optional which subdata schold be fitted, need to be of value ["confirmed" | "recovered" | deaths], by default "confirmed" init_params : dict, optional initial parameters for a fit, they depend on the model, by default {} free_var_name : str, optional name of the free variable used by the model, by default "x" Returns ------- Dict[str, Union[lmfit.model.ModelResult, pd.DataFrame]] Result dict with keys "model_result" and "plot_data". model_result: lmfit.model.ModelResult result of the fit, with optimized parameters plot_data: pd.DataFrame Same as covid19_region_data, but with an resetted index and and added fir result """ region_data = covid19_region_data.copy().reset_index(drop=True) x = np.arange(region_data.shape[0]) y = region_data[data_set].values result =, **{free_var_name: x, **init_params}) region_data[f"fitted_{data_set}"] = result.best_fit return {"model_result": result, "plot_data": region_data}
[docs]def calc_extrema( x: np.ndarray, func: Callable, param_df: pd.DataFrame, func_options: dict = {}, brute_force_extrema: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the supremum and infimum of a given function func, with the parameters and their errors given by param_df, over the values of x. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Values the supremum and infimum should be calculated over func : Callable Functions used to calculate the supremum and infimum param_df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with parameters and errors func_options : dict, optional options for func, by default {} brute_force_extrema : bool, optional Whether or not to calculate supremum and infimum from all permutations of adding and subtracting the errors from the parameters. For some functions, i.e. the logistic curve, this is needed, since simply adding or subtracting the errors from the parameter can lead to supremum and/or infimum to cross the result with the exact parameters., by default False Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray] supremum, infimum """ if brute_force_extrema: error_permutation_df = pd.DataFrame( itertools.product(*zip(param_df.stderr, -param_df.stderr)), columns=param_df.index, ) param_permutation_df = error_permutation_df + param_df.value result_permutation_df = param_permutation_df.apply( lambda params: func(x, **{**params.to_dict(), **func_options}), axis=1, result_type="expand", ) supremum = result_permutation_df.max() infimum = result_permutation_df.min() else: supremum_params = (param_df.value + param_df.stderr).to_dict() infimum_params = (param_df.value - param_df.stderr).to_dict() supremum = func(x, **{**supremum_params, **func_options}) infimum = func(x, **{**infimum_params, **func_options}) return supremum, infimum
[docs]def predict_trend( fit_result: Dict[str, Union[lmfit.model.ModelResult, pd.DataFrame]], days_to_predict: int = 30, func_options: dict = {}, param_inverted_stderr: Iterable[str] = [], brute_force_extrema: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generic function to predict a trend from fitted data Parameters ---------- fit_result : Dict[str, Union[lmfit.model.ModelResult, pd.DataFrame]] result of fit_data_model or its implementation days_to_predict : int, optional number of days to predict a trend for, by default 30 func_options : dict, optional options for the function of model, by default {} param_inverted_stderr : Iterable[str], optional iterable of parameternames with should be inverted, to calculate the extrema. , by default [] brute_force_extrema : bool, optional Whether or not to calculate supremum and infimum from all permutations of adding and subtracting the errors from the parameters. For some functions, i.e. the logistic curve, this is needed, since simply adding or subtracting the errors from the parameter can lead to supremum and/or infimum to cross the result with the exact parameters., by default False Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with columns "date", "trend", "trend_sup" and "trend_inf" date: pd.Datetime date of the values trend: float predicted trend trend_sup: float supremum of the trend trend_inf: float infimum of the trend See Also -------- fit_data_model calc_extrema params_to_df """ model_result = fit_result["model_result"] func = model_result.model.func x = np.arange(model_result.ndata, model_result.ndata + days_to_predict) param_df = params_to_df( model_result.params, param_inverted_stderr=param_inverted_stderr ) params = param_df.value.to_dict() date = fit_result["plot_data"].date.max() + pd.Series(x).apply( lambda x: pd.Timedelta(x + 1, unit="D") ) trend = func(x, **{**params, **func_options}) sup, inf = calc_extrema( x, func, param_df, func_options=func_options, brute_force_extrema=brute_force_extrema, ) trend_df = pd.DataFrame( {"date": date, "trend": trend, "trend_sup": sup, "trend_inf": inf} ) return trend_df.set_index(x)
[docs]def fit_subsets( fit_function: Callable, covid19_data: pd.DataFrame, row: pd.Series, subsets: Iterable, data_source: str, fit_func_kwargs: dict = {}, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Function to fit the subsets of a regional covid data Parameters ---------- fit_function : Callable Implementation of a model with fit_data_model covid19_data : pd.DataFrame Full covid19 data from a data_source row : pd.Series Row of of a dataframe only containing unique value pairs for "region" and "parent_region" subsets : Iterable Iterable of subset names data_source : str name of the data source, only needed to print debug information fit_func_kwargs : dict, optional Additional kwargs passed to fit_function, by default {} Returns ------- Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame] fitted_region_plot_data, fitted_param_subset fitted_region_plot_data: actual fitted data, which can be used for plotting fitted_param_subset: fit parameters for a region See Also -------- fit_data_model fit_regions batch_fit_model """ region = row.region parent_region = row.parent_region fitted_param_subset = pd.DataFrame() fitted_region_plot_data = None print(f"Fitting data for: {region}, from {data_source}") for subset in subsets: try: fit_result = fit_function( covid19_data, parent_region, region, subset, **fit_func_kwargs ) fit_param_row = get_fit_param_results_row( region, parent_region, subset, fit_result ) fitted_param_subset = fitted_param_subset.append( fit_param_row, ignore_index=True ) fitted_data_column = f"fitted_{subset}" plot_data = fit_result["plot_data"][ ["date", "region", "parent_region", fitted_data_column] ].copy() plot_data = plot_data.rename(columns={fitted_data_column: subset}) if fitted_region_plot_data is None: fitted_region_plot_data = plot_data[ ["date", "region", "parent_region", subset] ] else: fitted_region_plot_data = pd.merge( fitted_region_plot_data, plot_data, on=["date", "region", "parent_region"], ) except (ValueError, TypeError): print(f"Error fitting data for: {region} {subset}, from {data_source}") if fitted_region_plot_data is None: return pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() else: return fitted_region_plot_data, fitted_param_subset
[docs]def fit_regions( covid19_data: pd.DataFrame, fit_function: Callable, data_source: str, fit_func_kwargs: dict = {}, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Function to fit all regions of a covid dataset Parameters ---------- covid19_data : pd.DataFrame Full covid19 data from a data_source fit_function : Callable Implementation of a model with fit_data_model data_source : str name of the data source, only needed to print debug information fit_func_kwargs : dict, optional Additional kwargs passed to fit_function, by default {} Returns ------- Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame] fitted_plot_data, fitted_param_results fitted_plot_data: actual fitted data, which can be used for plotting fitted_param_results: fit parameters See Also -------- fit_subsets batch_fit_model """ subset_selector = covid19_data.columns.isin(["confirmed", "deaths", "recovered"]) subsets = covid19_data.columns[subset_selector] regions_df = covid19_data[["region", "parent_region"]].drop_duplicates("region") fitted_param_results = pd.DataFrame() fitted_plot_data = pd.DataFrame() for _, row in regions_df.iterrows(): fitted_region_plot_data, fitted_param_subset = fit_subsets( fit_function=fit_function, covid19_data=covid19_data, row=row, subsets=subsets, data_source=data_source, fit_func_kwargs=fit_func_kwargs, ) fitted_param_results = fitted_param_results.append( fitted_param_subset, ignore_index=True ) fitted_plot_data = fitted_plot_data.append( fitted_region_plot_data, ignore_index=True ) get_infectious(fitted_plot_data) fitted_param_results.sort_values(["parent_region", "region"], inplace=True) fitted_plot_data.sort_values(["date", "parent_region", "region"], inplace=True) return fitted_plot_data, fitted_param_results
[docs]def batch_fit_model( fit_function: Callable, model_name: str, fit_func_kwargs: dict = {}, ) -> None: """ Generic function to fit a fit_function to the data of all data sources and save them to file Parameters ---------- fit_function : Callable Implementation of a model with fit_data_model model_name : str Name of the model which is fitted, used to generate the path fit_func_kwargs : dict, optional Additional kwargs passed to fit_function, by default {} See Also -------- fit_subsets fit_regions """ for data_source in ALLOWED_SOURCES: covid19_data = get_data(data_source) fitted_plot_data, fitted_param_results = fit_regions( covid19_data=covid19_data, fit_function=fit_function, data_source=data_source, fit_func_kwargs=fit_func_kwargs, ) fitted_plot_data_path = get_data_path( f"{data_source}/{model_name}_model_fit_plot_data.csv" ) fitted_param_results_path = get_data_path( f"{data_source}/{model_name}_model_fit_params.csv" ) fitted_param_results.to_csv(fitted_param_results_path, index=False) fitted_plot_data.to_csv(fitted_plot_data_path, index=False)